Spacer de plastiques qui ce retrouve entre l'admission et le carburateur d'origine sur Scooter PGO 2 temps. Inclus seulement un seul joint d'étanchéité, il faudra vous procuré le deuxième (No....
Voici le C.D.I d'origine venant de chez PGO directement. Il convient seulement au PGO G-Max 50cc 2 temps. This is the original CDI directly from PGO. It only fits the...
Voici la tige qui supporte le pied centrale d'origine PGO. Elle convient pour tout les modèles PGO 50cc 2 temps sauf G-Max 50. This is the rod that supports the...
Fourche avant complète d'origine PGO. Le kit n'inclus aucune visserie parcontre. Convient aux modèles PGO Big Max / PGO Big Max Naked. (Couleur Noir) Original PGO complete front fork. The...
Couvert de CVT pour PGO. Ne contient au aucune visserie et aucun système de démarrage.
Covered with CVT for PGO. Contains no screws and no starting system.
Here we offer you the Yasuni R exhaust. Designed by the Spanish manufacturer, the Yasuni R exhaust is the exhaust of choice for 70 cc aluminum cylinders such as Athena Basic and...
Here we offer the Yasuni C10 exhaust, the evolution of the famous Yasuni R exhaust. With its multiple cones, from the cylinder outlet to the silencer, it reduces the total...
The Yasuni Carrera 16 exhaust is undoubtedly the exhaust that ensures the reputation of the company, combining impressive performance on a wide variety of cylinders, a wide power band as...
The Silent escapement Pro will make you gain speed while keeping an original pace. It can also be used as a replacement exhaust. It is functional on all PGO scooters.
2fast exhausts are among the best exhausts on the market. In addition to being perfectly adapted to the cylinders for which they are designed, these exhausts will perfectly suit all...