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9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) / 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Sat.)
Fuel Hose 1 Adly OEM (Adly GTC) - Tuyau De Carburant Original Adly
  • SKU: 94405-0509050
  • Availability: in stock Many in stock Out of stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

[#8] Fuel Hose 2 Adly OEM (Adly GTC)

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Ce tuyau est conçu pour être utilisé dans les systèmes de réservoirs de carburant et d'huile de certains modèles de scooters et de motos, notamment le modèle GTC-50.


This hose is designed for use in the fuel and oil tank systems of certain scooter and motorcycle models, including the GTC-50 model.

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