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92000-10022-17 [#1] Left/Right Top Tube Bolt Adly OEM - Vis Poteau Fourche 92000-10022-17
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  • SKU: 92000-10022-17
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[#1] Left/Right Top Tube Bolt Adly OEM

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  • Vendor: Adly
  • Product Type: BOLT
  • Barcode: 92000-10022-17

Voici l'écrou qui se visse sur le dessus du poteau de fourche d'origine Adly. Convient pour les modèles Adly GTC / Bulleyes, Adly GTA & Adly GTS-R 50cc2 temps.

This is the nut that screws onto the top of the original Adly fork post. Suitable for Adly GTC / Bulleyes, Adly GTA & Adly GTS-R 50cc2 stroke models.

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