819-342-5291 / TEXTO 819-919-0587

9:00-18:00 (lun.-ven.)
Polini reinforced transmission cover, ideal for tuning above 70cc. The standard cover allows the gearshaft to sit in a recess and is only lubricated by the gearbox oil. This item has a ball bearing and needle bearing set up and massively reduces the amount of friction. The following bearings are fitted to the transmission cover: 6201 C3 (12x32x10) 6203 C4 (17x40x12) NK24/16 (24x32x16) Suitable for Piaggio engines with 12mm gear shafts.
  • SKU: 170.0300
  • Disponibilité: en stock Beaucoup en stock En rupture de stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

Gear Cover Polini Evolution 12mm (Piaggio)

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  • Vendeur: Polini
  • Type de produit: GEAR
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Carter de transmission renforcé Polini, idéal pour le réglage au-dessus de 70cc. Le carter standard permet à l'arbre de transmission de se loger dans un évidement et n'est lubrifié que par l'huile de boîte de vitesses. Cet article est doté d'un roulement à billes et d'un roulement à aiguilles et réduit considérablement la quantité de frottement. Les roulements suivants sont montés sur le carter de transmission : 6201 C3 (12x32x10) 6203 C4 (17x40x12) NK24/16 (24x32x16) Convient aux moteurs Piaggio avec des arbres de transmission de 12 mm.


Polini reinforced transmission cover, ideal for tuning above 70cc. The standard cover allows the gearshaft to sit in a recess and is only lubricated by the gearbox oil. This item has a ball bearing and needle bearing set up and massively reduces the amount of friction. The following bearings are fitted to the transmission cover: 6201 C3 (12x32x10) 6203 C4 (17x40x12) NK24/16 (24x32x16) Suitable for Piaggio engines with 12mm gear shafts.

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