819-342-5291 / TEXTO 819-919-0587

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Cylinder Package LC Top Performances 86cc Piaggio
86cc Big Bore cylinder available for a very good price! With an excellent reputation, Top Performances came up with this 86cc Aluminium Tuning Kit. The cylinder is made of Nikasil-plated aluminium with a 50mm diameter, has 6 transfer ports, a bridged exhaust port and a modular high compression cylinder head.
86cc Big Bore cylinder available for a very good price! With an excellent reputation, Top Performances came up with this 86cc Aluminium Tuning Kit. The cylinder is made of Nikasil-plated aluminium with a 50mm diameter, has 6 transfer ports, a bridged exhaust port and a modular high compression cylinder head. The exhaust port is very 'large' across its entire width giving it a unique look.
86cc Big Bore cylinder available for a very good price! With an excellent reputation, Top Performances came up with this 86cc Aluminium Tuning Kit. The cylinder is made of Nikasil-plated aluminium with a 50mm diameter, has 6 transfer ports, a bridged exhaust port and a modular high compression cylinder head. The exhaust port is very 'large' across its entire width giving it a unique look.
  • SKU: 9928440
  • Disponibilité: en stock Beaucoup en stock En rupture de stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

Cylinder Package LC Top Performances 86cc Piaggio

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Kit de réglage en aluminium 86cc Big Bore disponible à un prix très intéressant ! Avec une excellente réputation, Top Performances a conçu ce kit de réglage en aluminium 86cc. Le cylindre est en aluminium plaqué Nikasil avec un diamètre de 50 mm, dispose de 6 ports de transfert, d'un port d'échappement ponté et d'une culasse modulaire haute compression. Le port d'échappement est très « large » sur toute sa largeur, ce qui lui donne un aspect unique. Une attention particulière a également été accordée à la surface extérieure du cylindre avec un canal de refroidissement entourant tout le port d'échappement pour un refroidissement optimal. Le vilebrequin inclus est un vilebrequin de course renforcé à cercle complet avec une course « standard » - 44 mm, bielle 85 mm. L'une des caractéristiques uniques qui caractérisent les vilebrequins haut de gamme est l'utilisation de poids en tungstène au lieu de « bouchons » standard pour l'équilibrage. En ce qui concerne les performances, le TPR 86cc peut être considéré comme l'extrémité inférieure du spectre Hyper Racing et développe 22/24 ch en combinaison avec les composants appropriés.


86cc Big Bore cylinder available for a very good price! With an excellent reputation, Top Performances came up with this 86cc Aluminium Tuning Kit. The cylinder is made of Nikasil-plated aluminium with a 50mm diameter, has 6 transfer ports, a bridged exhaust port and a modular high compression cylinder head. The exhaust port is very 'large' across its entire width giving it a unique look. Special attention was also given to the cylinder's external surface with a cooling canal enclosing the entire exhaust port for optimum cooling. The crankshaft included is a reinforced full-circle racing crankshaft with 'standard' stroke – 44mm, 85mm conrod. One of the unique features characterizing high-end crankshafts is the use of Tungsten weights instead of standard 'caps' for balancing. Regarding performance, the TPR 86cc can be seen at the lower end of the Hyper Racing spectrum and develops 22/24hp in combination with the proper components.

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