819-342-5291 / TEXTO 819-919-0587

9:00-18:00 (lun.-ven.)
Are you tired of cleaning your visor and goggles with pieces of tissue or the sleeve of your jersey? Then this kit’s for you! The Visor, Lens and Goggle cleaning Kit is ideal for keeping in your ride pack for quick and safe cleaning on the move. It quickly removes dust, mud, insects, soot and oily residue from your helmet and goggles leaving a streak-free finish. Each kit contains a premium quality microfibre cloth that has been specifically designed to clean delicate finishes. The pack also includes a 32 m
Are you tired of cleaning your visor and goggles with pieces of tissue or the sleeve of your jersey? Then this kit’s for you! The Visor, Lens and Goggle cleaning Kit is ideal for keeping in your ride pack for quick and safe cleaning on the move. It quickly removes dust, mud, insects, soot and oily residue from your helmet and goggles leaving a streak-free finish. Each kit contains a premium quality microfibre cloth that has been specifically designed to clean delicate finishes. The pack also includes a 32 m
Helmet, Visor and Goggle Cleaner 32 ml
Helmet & Visor Microfibre Cloth
1 x Premium
  • SKU: 6826001

Muc-Off Helmet Visor And Google Cleaning Kit

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Vous en avez assez de nettoyer votre casque et vos lunettes avec des morceaux de tissu ou la manche de votre chandail? Alors cet ensemble est fait pour vous! Le nettoyant pour visière, lentille et lunettes est idéal à conserver dans votre sac à dos pour un nettoyage rapide et sûr lors de vos déplacements. Il élimine rapidement la poussière, la boue, les insectes, la suie et les résidus huileux de votre casque et de vos lunettes en laissant une finition sans traces. Chaque ensemble contient un chiffon de première qualité en microfibre spécialement conçu pour nettoyer les finitions délicates. L'ensemble comprend également un flacon pulvérisateur de 30 ml contenant une formule de nettoyage avancée au pH équilibré et biodégradable.

-Nettoyant pour casque, visière et lunettes de protection 32 ml
-Chiffon microfibre pour casque et visière
-1 x chiffon de nettoyage en microfibres à « tissage serré » 24 cm x 24 cm
-Pochette à cordon Muc-Off


Are you tired of cleaning your visor and goggles with pieces of tissue or the sleeve of your jersey? Then this kit’s for you! The Visor, Lens and Goggle cleaning Kit is ideal for keeping in your ride pack for quick and safe cleaning on the move. It quickly removes dust, mud, insects, soot and oily residue from your helmet and goggles leaving a streak-free finish. Each kit contains a premium quality microfibre cloth that has been specifically designed to clean delicate finishes. The pack also includes a 32 ml spray bottle containing an advanced pH balanced, biodegradable cleaning formula.

-Helmet, Visor and Goggle Cleaner 32 ml
-Helmet & Visor Microfibre Cloth
-1 x Premium "Tight Weave" Microfibre Detailing Cloth 24 cm × 24 cm
-Muc-Off Drawstring pouch

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