819-342-5291 / TEXTO 819-919-0587

9:00-18:00 (lun.-ven.)
Polini reinforced transmission cover, ideal for tuning above 70cc. The standard cover allows the gearshaft to sit in a recess and is only lubricated by the gearbox oil. This item has a ball bearing and needle bearing set up and massively reduces the amount of friction. The following bearings are fitted to the transmission cover: Suitable for Piaggio engines with original transmission or with taller gearing and 16mm gear shafts.
Polini reinforced transmission cover, ideal for tuning above 70cc. The standard cover allows the gearshaft to sit in a recess and is only lubricated by the gearbox oil. This item has a ball bearing and needle bearing set up and massively reduces the amount of friction. The following bearings are fitted to the transmission cover: Suitable for Piaggio engines with original transmission or with taller gearing and 16mm gear shafts.
  • SKU: 170.0299
  • Disponibilité: en stock Beaucoup en stock En rupture de stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

Gear Cover Polini Evolution 16mm (Piaggio)

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  • Vendeur: Polini
  • Type de produit: GEAR
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Carter de transmission renforcé Polini, idéal pour le réglage au-dessus de 70cc. Le carter standard permet à l'arbre de transmission de se loger dans un évidement et n'est lubrifié que par l'huile de boîte de vitesses. Cet article est doté d'un roulement à billes et d'un roulement à aiguilles et réduit considérablement la quantité de frottement. Les roulements suivants sont montés sur le carter de transmission : Convient aux moteurs Piaggio avec transmission d'origine ou avec un engrenage plus haut et des arbres de transmission de 16 mm


Polini reinforced transmission cover, ideal for tuning above 70cc. The standard cover allows the gearshaft to sit in a recess and is only lubricated by the gearbox oil. This item has a ball bearing and needle bearing set up and massively reduces the amount of friction. The following bearings are fitted to the transmission cover: Suitable for Piaggio engines with original transmission or with taller gearing and 16mm gear shafts

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