819-342-5291 / TEXTO 819-919-0587

9:00-18:00 (lun.-ven.)
Don’t let your bottom end get wet with the new Muc-Off Exhaust Bung! Made from a two-part flexible silicone rubber core and sleeve, it creates an awesome leak-proof seal to prevent water or other contaminants from getting into your exhaust pipe whilst you’re cleaning or maintaining your machine. It’s both 2 and 4-stroke compatible thanks to its removable two-part design.
Don’t let your bottom end get wet with the new Muc-Off Exhaust Bung! Made from a two-part flexible silicone rubber core and sleeve, it creates an awesome leak-proof seal to prevent water or other contaminants from getting into your exhaust pipe whilst you’re cleaning or maintaining your machine. It’s both 2 and 4-stroke compatible thanks to its removable two-part design
Don’t let your bottom end get wet with the new Muc-Off Exhaust Bung! Made from a two-part flexible silicone rubber core and sleeve, it creates an awesome leak-proof seal to prevent water or other contaminants from getting into your exhaust pipe whilst you’re cleaning or maintaining your machine. It’s both 2 and 4-stroke compatible thanks to its removable two-part design.
Don’t let your bottom end get wet with the new Muc-Off Exhaust Bung! Made from a two-part flexible silicone rubber core and sleeve, it creates an awesome leak-proof seal to prevent water or other contaminants from getting into your exhaust pipe whilst you’re cleaning or maintaining your machine. It’s both 2 and 4-stroke compatible thanks to its removable two-part design.
  • SKU: 6821031
  • Disponibilité: en stock Beaucoup en stock En rupture de stock You can purchase this product but it's out of stock

Muc-Off Exhaust Bung

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Ne laissez pas votre moteur prendre l'eau avec le nouveau bouchon d'échappement Muc-Off. Fabriqué à partir d'un centre et d'un manchon en caoutchouc de silicone flexible en deux parties, il crée un joint étanche génial pour empêcher l'eau ou d'autres contaminants de pénétrer dans votre tuyau d'échappement pendant que vous nettoyez ou entretenez votre machine. Il est compatible avec les moteurs à 2 et 4 temps grâce à sa conception amovible en deux parties. Il est très facile à mettre en place et est livré avec un cordon pratique pour faciliter le retrait.


Don’t let your bottom end get wet with the new Muc-Off Exhaust Bung. Made from a two-part flexible silicone rubber core and sleeve, it creates an awesome leakproof seal to prevent water or other contaminants from getting into your exhaust pipe whilst you’re cleaning or maintaining your machine. It’s both 2- and 4-stroke compatible thanks to its removable two-part design. It’s super easy to twist into place and comes with a handy lanyard to make removal easy.

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